220007, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Fabricius, 8B, bldg. 1, room 2, cab. 7 (2nd floor)



Russia forms part of the Eurasian Economic Union and that is why all the technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU) are obligatory on its territory. But there are also areas, which are not yet regulated by the TR CU. This is why the national certification (National system GOST R) is still actual.

The GOST R system is a set of procedures for the implementation of the confirmation of the conformity of products in the territory of the Russian Federation. There are two forms of compliance: mandatory (declaration and certification) and voluntary (certification).

Mandatory certification is the procedure for confirming the quality of products included in the Unified List, which is carried out by an accredited certification institute in accordance with its area of accreditation.

Mandatory requirements to confirm compliance with mandatory certification in the GOST R system are defined in the state standards, building rules and norms, sanitary rules and norms of the Russian Federation.

The procedure of mandatory certification in the GOST R system includes the following stages:

  1. Submission of the application and the required set of documents:
    • registration documents of the applicant organization;
    • technical documentation of products (technical description, technological instruction, recipe, design documentation);
    • operating manual, passport for each model of the products;
    • label for products, issued in accordance with the requirements for product labeling, prescribed in regulatory documents, for compliance with which the conformity assessment procedure is carried out;
    • test reports of certified products from accredited testing laboratories;
    • contract of the authorized person representing manufacturer, if the certification of products is not carried out by the manufacturer;
    • copy of the contract, shipping documents.

The set of documents may not partially coincide with the one described above, depending on the type of certification (serial / consignment).

  1. Selection of samples of products for certification by a certification body representative with the formulation of the selection act;
  2. Conducting tests of selected samples of products in an accredited testing laboratory with the receipt of a test report. At the same time, if this is stipulated by the certification scheme, the certification body can analyze the state of production with the formulation of an act of analysis of the state of production;
  3. Analysis by the expert of the certification body of the submitted documents, the test report of the products and the report of the production analysis and, if the analysis is positive, the issuance of a certificate of conformity for products and entry of these products into the State Register of GOST R;
  4. The implementation of the inspection control (once a year) of the stability of the certified characteristics (parameters) of products in production, if this is stipulated by the certification scheme.

Declaration of conformity as a form of mandatory conformity assessment is carried out in a manner similar to the above steps, but the applicant himself is directly responsible for collecting evidence (obtaining a test report, an act of production analysis, if necessary). The certification body in this case only analyzes the evidence base and registers the declaration of conformity.

Voluntary certification in the GOST R system is carried out for compliance with state standards, construction rules and norms, technical conditions and (or) other technical documentation for products, works, services offered by the applicant.

The procedure for confirming compliance with voluntary certification is similar to the procedure for confirming compliance with mandatory certification.

As a result, the certification of products in the GOST R system is a multi-stage process that requires knowledge in the field of confirmation of compliance, time and readiness for scrupulous study of the documents.

Our qualified specialists of the company “Certificate Tech Plus” LLC will help you to obtain the necessary certificate or the GOST R system declaration in the shortest time and at reasonable prices. Having the above mentioned documents guarantees the trouble-free sale of your goods in the Russian markets due to the presence of proven competitive advantages of the products.